Books and Cof Reflexo

These prices include shipping within the USA.  Orders shipped out of the USA additional shipping charges will apply. Prices are subject to change without notice. Orders are shipped via US Postal Service or UPS

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Monday - Thursday
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. eastern time
International Institute of Reflexology, INC. 
(727) 343 4811
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Due to the high cost of paper, printing and postage
we have had to increase our prices 9/1/24
Web Spring Special:
100 Wallet Charts (mix or match)
WEBSPR:  $ 146  ($ 325 value includes USA shipping)
Must say "Spring has Sprung"
expires June 20, 2025
no other quantity discounts
~ ~ NEW ~ ~
Gift Certificates
For IIR Certified Reflexologist only
GC06 -    6 - $   6.00 plus $ 3.00 postage
GC12 -  12 - $ 10.80 plus $ 3.25 postage
GC18 -  18 - $ 15.30 plus $ 3.75 postage
GC24 -  24 - $ 19.20 plus $ 4.00 postage
Price includes shipping and handling to all USA locations unless indicated
Better Health with Foot Reflexology
by Dwight C. Byers
Now, from the world's leading authority on the Ingham Method® of Reflexology comes a clear, concise and easily understandable approach to this science. This book is a practical guide which includes introduction to each anatomical system of the body and a step-by-step guide in applying the tenets of Reflexology.
Each section is amply illustrated with full color photos to aid in practical application of the techniques. This helps the reader understand the reflex points, their location and just how to work them for maximum results.
The most accurate and complete guide to Foot Reflexology, this book should become the standard reference for years to come. This method has been recommended by Medical Doctors, Osteopathic Physicians, Podiatrist, Chiropractors, Nurses and others in the field of integrative health care. There is also a detailed compilation of functional disorders and associative reflex points. This book should be in the hands of all people who are serious about Reflexology as well as those wishing for self help.
BH $ 42.00
  AND  rf20.jpg (43669 bytes) REFLEXOLOGY BOOK SET:

Better Health with Reflexology AND Stories the Feet Can Tell/Stories the Feet Have Told

BKSET $ 56.00 * *
Stories the Feet Can Tell/Have Told Thru Reflexology
by Eunice D. Ingham
Over 70 years ago Eunice Ingham, published her first Reflexology text.  Since then her findings in Reflexology have achieved worldwide acceptance through her teachings of this successful form of health maintenance.  The foundation of her theories have been built over the years upon the opinions of physicians who, after observing her methods in action, noted remarkable results.
We, at the International Institute of Reflexology®, are proud to carry on the good work started by this outstanding lady, and we're doubly proud to offer you this combined version of her books.
RF $ 26.00
rf20.jpg (43669 bytes)
Stories the Feet Can Tell - German (only)
by Eunice D. Ingham

Special Price
CTG $ 5.00 ( $2.00 for any additional book)
Hand & Foot Wallet Chart
Credit card size printed on both sides in color for maximum information display.  Protected with plastic lamination for long life.  Available in English & Spanish.
PC4 $ 3.25 (English)
PC4S $ 3.25 (Spanish)


pc40-30both.jpg (55908 bytes)  
Folding Foot Wallet Chart
When folded this wallet chart becomes credit card size for easy carrying.   This 2 sided chart displays the reflex areas on the bottom of the foot as well as
the side and top view of the foot.
PC5 $ 3.25


Foot Chart
This informative multi-colored Chart shows the anatomical relationships between the foot reflexes and the corresponding areas of the body (22 inches x 31 inches)
FWC  $ 32.00 laminated
fwc20.jpg (101522 bytes)






Wall Chart Set 
1 Foot Wall Chart & 1 Hand Wall Chart

WCSET - $ 55.00 * *
HANGER  $ 2.00 (no quantity discount)
(Shipping without Wall Chart - $ 5.00)
Plastic Wall Chart Hanger if bought with Wall Chart
hwc20.jpg (98844 bytes)    
Hand Chart
The Hand Chart, like the Foot Chart, offers a display of the relationship between the reflexes of the hand and the areas of the body in a detailed, colorful and easily-read format. (22 inches x 31 inches) 
HWC $ 32.00 laminated
Notebook Chart Set
NBSET $ 16.00
(8 1/2 inches x 11 inches) Smaller version of the
Foot & Hand Wall Chart.  This item is sold only as a set.


* * * SPECIAL * * *
One each of the above in English $ 123.00 (valued at $154.50) * *
please note:  no quantity discount available on any special  * *
Quantity Discounts on the above items ONLY:
6 to 11 of same item - 33.33% discount
12 to 23 of same item - 40% discount
24 to 99 of same item - 45% discount
100 & up of same item - 50% discount


- I.I.R. STUDENT ONLY ITEM FACTS about REFLEXOLOGY- Information brochure for the Reflexologist to pass out to people on the history & benefits of Reflexology.  On the backside of the brochure is a place for the Reflexologist to put their contact information.  Package of 100 brochures.

FTS - $ 12.00 (1-3 packs $ 11.00 shipping)

Foot Reflexology DVD - (Parts 1 & 2)
Part 1 "Reflexology Introduction and Relaxation Techniques"
Part 2 "Reflexology Applications and Techniques"
MUST have attended a workshop in the last 3 years.

DVDF - $ 35.00 ($ 5.00 shipping) - DVD
DVDTD- $ 40.00 ($ 5.00 shipping) - Thumb Drive


Hand Reflexology DVD - (Part 3)
Hand Reflexology and Advanced Foot Techniques
MUST have attended a workshop in the last 3 years.

DVDH - $ 35.00 ($ 5.00 shipping)

Anatomy & Reflexology Helper Area
Study Guide -
I.I.R. workshop workbook.  This is only available to I.I.R. Students Only.

SG - $ 36.00
Reflexology Poem by Eunice D. Ingham
Reflexology Poem written by Eunice D Ingham, the Mother of Reflexology. "When you're feeling...... Find the sore spot work it out" Printed on glossy 8 1/2 x 11heavy weight paper suitable for framing.  In loving memory of Eunice Ingham, the Mother of Reflexology. Please note image of poem does not come with blue framing..
MS350  $ 8.00 plus $ 3.00 shipping
Egyptian Print
Printed on heavy paper 8.5" x 11"
EP $ 5.00 plus $ 3.00 shipping

Bumper Sticker
BST - $1.00 plus $ 2.00 shipping
BST3 - 3 for $ 2.25 plus $3.00 shipping
Grip Master - Hand & Finger Exerciser. Increase strength, control, endurance, coordination in fingers, hand, and forearm.  The only system designed to exercise each finger individually.
MS660 - $ 15.00 plus $ 5.00 shipping

Recommended Books by the I.I.R.

ABC of Asthma, Allergies & Lupus - How to identify prevent, recognize & treat Asthma, Allergies, & Lupus naturally.
MS415 - $17.00 plus $11.00 shipping
FOOT! Care, Prevention, and Treatment - This must-read book effectively merges two unique perspectives on foot care - prevention and treatment - into one clear, concise, and comprehensive resource.  FOOT! is written in easy to understand language, and contains more than 200 photographs and illustrations.
MS440 - $20.00 plus $ 11.00 shipping
The Natural Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome   
MS400 $ 8.00 plus $5.00 shipping
Obesity Cancer Depression
Their Common Cause & Natural Cure -  This book, the result of over 20 years of research, looks at the conditions of obesity, cancer and depression through a new physiological perspective and offers a new approach in preventing and treating these conditions.
MS405 $ 15.00 plus $ 11.00 shipping
Solved: The Riddle of Illness -
NEWLY REVISED.  A book to help you understand problems related to the Thyroid and learn how to manage your thyroid, and give yourself the gift of abundant physical, emotional, and mental health.
MS475 - $ 19.00 plus $ 11.00 shipping
Success At The Last Resort - by Diane & Paul Breeding
A book on personal experiences through Reflexology therapy.
MS430 - $ 11.00 plus $ 6.00 shipping
Your Body's Many Cries For Water -
This book explains a new discovery that lack of water in the body chronic dehydration-is the root cause of many painful degenerative diseases, asthma, allergies, hypertension, excess body weight, and some emotional problems including depression.
MS410 - $ 15.00 plus $ 6.00 shipping
Please note the following products are sold only in the USA
CryoDerm - 4 oz spray or 3 oz roll on

CryoDerm goes on cool and then almost creates a "mask" helping to block the pain.  CryoDerm is fast becoming the favorite topical analgesic amongst arthritis back pain sufferers because it works fast and provides soothing relief.  Please understand that this is powerful, yet temporary relief and will not cure your ailment. But, neither does pain medication. CryoDerm pain relief spray is a natural way to achieve relief without taking harmful pain medication. There are several amazing ingredients in CryoDerm that help provide the pain relief. The main active ingredient is menthol, which is derived from peppermint oil. Other ingredients include: Arnica, Boswella, Ilex and MSM. Arnica, which is also known as leopard's bane has a bright yellow flower that blooms in the summer. For hundreds of years in Europe, homeopathic remedies were made using Arnica. Native Americans also used Arnica for various herbal remedies. The active compounds in Arnica, which are responsible for its ability to reduce pain, muscle strain/soreness and associated inflammation, are sesquiterpene lactones. Boswella refers to the resin of various species of Boswellia shrubs and small trees which are found in the Red Sea region and mountains of central India.

MSCRYO - $ 15.00 plus $ 6.00 Shipping

ThermoDerm - 3 oz roll on

THERMODERM Pain Relieving Warming Products All of the therapeutic benefits of CRYODERM in a warming roll-on Provide fast-acting, deep-penetrating, pain-relieving warmth for muscle sprains and strains, sore stiff muscles and joint pain Contains aloe barbadensis, an antioxidant & anti-inflammatory; arnica to reduce bruising and inflammation; boswellia to reduce inflammation and provide anti-arthritic actions; green tea extract, an anti-inflammatory, anti-irritant, antibacterial and antioxidant that contains vitamins E, C and B; ilex to release muscle spasm and reduce inflammation; MSM to increase topical membrane penetration and as an anti-inflammatory and local analgesic; tocopheryl acetate, an antioxidant with moisturizing qualities that slows the degeneration of cells and promotes cellular renewal; and yucca aloifolia to provide relief for arthritis, to break up inorganic mineral obstructions and deposits, and to reduce inflammation of the joints.

MSTHER - $ 15.00 plus $ 6.00 Shipping


Magnesium Calming Cream - 4 oz lotion

CryoDerm Magnesium Calming Cream promotes relaxation and sound sleep. It is a fast, effective way to increase magnesium levels with higher absorption rate versus oral gels or tablets.

Features and Benefits
  • Promotes relaxation and sound sleep
  • Essential for energy production at the cellular level by activating over 300 enzyme reactions in the body
  • Superior absorption multi-purpose cream provides proper glide
  • Excellent lubricant for all manual modalities
How to use

Massage a liberal amount of calming cream on the area being treated. Calming cream provides proper glide and while providing the benefit of Magnesium, Dead Sea Salt  & Minerals, MSM, Arnica Boswellia and Ilex. It is an excellent lubricant for all manual modalities.


Do not use on areas where skin is broken, in eyes or on mucous membrane. If you have kidney disease; consult your physician before using.


Dead Sea Salts & Minerals, MSM, Arnica, Boswellia, & Ilex

MSMCC - $28.00  plus $ 6.00 Shipping
Yoga Toes

The patented ergonomic design of YogaToes® works between, above and beneath toes to stretch them apart from each other, away from the ball of the foot and down from the top of the foot. To stimulate this effect, spread your fingers apart and out as far as you can. You can feel the muscles working and stretching. Tight, weak muscles become flexible and stronger. The posture of your foot can realign, and the muscles are strong enough to support improved posture. Stretching and working the muscles increases circulation. You know how good you feel after a workout or a massage. Now your feet can enjoy the same results! All you have to do is slip into a pair of YogaToes®.  Available in Blue or Purple

MS650 - $ 40.00 plus $ 6.00 Shipping


Prices subject to change without notice Order form for mailing
Please NOTE:
These prices includes shipping (unless noted with additional shipping cost) within the USA.  We use US Postal Service or UPS.  For orders shipped outside the USA additional shipping charges will apply.  Please allow plenty of transit time, we try to ship all orders within 2 business days.  ALL orders shipped within the State of Florida please add 7% Sales Tax.
Return Policy: Within 30 days of shipping date.  15% restock fee will apply on all orders.
International Institute of Reflexology  Inc. accepts Checks, Money Orders or Credit Cards U.S.A. Funds only (Discover, MasterCard, or Visa) to place an order with a Check or Money Order please send your order and make check payable to:
International Institute of Reflexology Inc.
PO Box 12642
St Petersburg FL 33733-2642
Send, Call or email your order along with your Credit Card information ($10.00 Minimum order to charge to a credit card) (name as printed on card, your billing address, phone number, credit card number, expiration date and 3 digit CSC (card security code) and shipping address if different from credit card address to:
International Institute of Reflexology, INC. 
(727) 343 4811 phone (Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. eastern time)
or email us at:

Books and Charts: The International Institute of Reflexology USA